From Polar Bears to Armadillos to fictional creatures like the Creeper or Ender Dragon, Minecraft features all sorts of animals. It’s fun to try to collect these different beasts, tame them, and see how they operate within the game.
One such animal is the Fox. As you may know, Foxes are nocturnal animals in real life. In Minecraft, they’re pretty similar and just as cute. This guide will cover everything you need to know about how to find Foxes, how to tame wild Foxes, and why you would even want to consider taming Foxes.
What Is A Fox In Minecraft?
A Fox in Minecraft is a passive mob that roams around your world and attacks small animals like Chickens or Rabbits, among others. Foxes may also swim to hunt fish when hungry.
You’ll notice the Fox slinking around the following biomes:
- Taiga Biome
- Grove Biome
- Snowy Taiga Biomes
- Old Growth Spruce and Old Growth Pine Taiga Biomes
At night, a Fox will randomly screech when it feels like it. However, if you tame a Fox and it trusts you, this behavior will stop when you’re standing near it.
A Fox will run from predators like Polar Bears or Wolves and even from you unless you sneak near it. This is important in terms of how to tame a Fox in Minecraft.
Foxes that spawn in Winter Biomes will have a white coat, while those spawning in more reasonable conditions will have a red coat.
Otherwise, you’ll typically find a Fox sleeping in the shade or sitting down to chill out.
How To Tame A Fox In Minecraft
If you’ve been seeing Foxes around your world, it’s only natural that you’d want to tame one. But before we detail how to tame a Fox in Minecraft, let’s get into the benefits of doing so.
Why Tame Foxes in Minecraft?
Aside from being a cute little partner, having a Fox follow you around is a protective measure. If a Mob attacks you, it will attack some of them back, such as Skeletons, Zombies, or Spiders.
However, a tamed Fox will not attack an enemy that you fight and will not attack Zombie Villagers.
Otherwise, both wild Foxes and tamed Foxes can carry items around in their mouths. Foxes can pick up any items you can, though they tend toward food items.
Yet, if they hold a food item for more than thirty seconds, they end up eating it.
Even more interesting — a fox that picks up enchanted items such as a Sword will have those enchantments applied to their attacks. For example, a fox holding a sword with Bane of Arthropods will do additional damage to arachnids just as you would.
Now that you’re a bit more aware of why you would want to tame Foxes, let’s get into how to tame a Fox in Minecraft.
Tame a Fox in Minecraft
As usual in Minecraft, you tame creatures like the Fox by giving it certain food items. However, the process that follows is a bit different when it comes to wild Foxes.
You see, you can’t actually tame wild Foxes that are fully grown. Instead, you must breed two adult Foxes, and their spawn, baby Foxes, will become loyal to you.
This means you must feed the adult Foxes either Sweet Berries or Glow Berries for them to enter breeding mode. You know when adult Foxes are in breeding mode because hearts will appear over their heads after you feed them. After a bit of time, the two Foxes will begin the breeding process.
Afterward, a baby Fox will appear. While the baby Fox will be loyal to you immediately, it will also follow adult Foxes around, as those are its parents. You should keep the baby Fox somewhere safe, like inside a pen, until it is fully grown.
Note: Naturally spawning baby Foxes will not be loyal to you. You have to breed two Foxes to produce a loyal baby Fox.
Now, let’s quickly discuss how to find Sweet Berries and Glow Berries to help you breed two adult Foxes.
How To Find a Sweet Berry
Sweet Berries come from Sweet Berry Bushes! Sweet Berry Bushes are dangerous entities that damage and slow entities that walk inside of them. This includes you.
These bushes are found in the Taiga Biome alongside its snowy variant, and you can harvest them with a simple hand punch.
From there, you can use the Sweet Berries to tame Foxes or plant them to grow more bushes.
How to Find a Glow Berry
To find Glow Berries means you must spelunk in the depths of Minecraft. More specifically, you must find the Lush Caves biome that only exists underground.
The Lush Caves are full of Vines, and hanging from those Vines are the berries. Break the berries with your hand to acquire them, and bring them to a Fox to breed.
If you don’t want to roam aimlessly underground to find some Lush Caves, search above ground for an Azalea Tree. While an Azalea Tree won’t always spawn above a Lush Cave, a Lush Cave will always spawn beneath an Azalea Tree.
Are you feeling good about your newfound knowledge of Minecraft Foxes? Why not log on and find some baby Fox friends with your buddies?
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Max is a freelance writer with a love for gaming and technology. He’s always looking for the next big game to play and tinkers with tech in his remaining free time.
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