Make Up To $125 Per Qualifying

Monthly Sales You Make
1-5 $50 /sale
6-10 $75 /sale
11-20 $100 /sale
21+ $125 /sale

When You Succeed, We Succeed - It's That Simple

Our founder and CEO spent over a decade as a full time Super Affiliate and understands the specific needs of our affiliate marketing partners. That's why we've built an affiliate platform that's aggressively geared towards your success.

30 Day Cookie

When someone clicks your referral link, our tracking system sets a cookie that is valid for 30 days. This means if someone doesn't signup right away, you still have up to one month for them to setup their account, and you'll still get credit.

First Click Credit

It's not uncommon for prospect customers to spend time researching discount codes, reviews, and more information. Therefore it's likely they may run across another partner's promotion, but the original referring partner gets the credit.

API Driven Tracking

We don't rely on a single cookie or image/javascript pixel fires to track successful conversions. Instead we analyze a number of metrics that communicates to ensure our affiliates get credit for ALL sales referred.


If you're a large social media influencer with 10,000 or more followers, we'd love to help you increase your revenue and develop a long-lasting partnership. Please reach out to see if you qualify

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