The virtual world of Minecraft has a lot in store for you. From the breathtaking biomes to the dangerous mob encounters, each moment is something you want to remember when playing the game. You can capture these memorable events by taking Minecraft screenshots.
Just like regular screenshots, you can take a photo of your in-game adventures in Minecraft. With just a click of a button, you automatically save each event you experience.
In line with that, we’ll be equipping you with all the information you need to know about Minecraft screenshots, how to take them, the location of the screenshots folder, and more. After going through this guide, you’ll be able to turn your screenshots into accessible memories.
What are Minecraft Screenshots?
From the words “screen” and “shots,” screenshots are digital snapshots from your device’s screen. Most devices today such as computers, laptops, tablets, and phones can take screenshots. Video games also allow you to take screenshots within the actual game itself. You can take screenshots by pressing a particular keyboard key or series of keys.
In terms of Minecraft screenshots, the game has its key function to take an in-game screenshot. The game will also save your screenshot in its default screenshot save folder. This better organizes and separates each image you take and puts them into Minecraft’s screenshot folder.
Why should you Take a Screenshot?
You can find a Minecraft screenshot pretty much anywhere on the Internet. It’s used for various Minecraft guides you see, inspiration for builds, references for things, and more. With that in mind, there are a couple of reasons why you should take screenshots in Minecraft.
To reference things
It’s one thing to note down coordinates, but it’s best to take a screenshot of them to easily find the exact coordinates and even have a visual of a particular location you plan to reference. You’ll be able to document your travels and the development you’ve made as a player.
To look back on your creations
A lot of building goes into Minecraft. You may want to preserve your finished builds and custom designs. Even if you lose access to a server or accidentally delete your world, you’ll still have a piece of your creations with you.
To make memories with your friends
On multiplayer servers, surely you’d want to save each memory you’ve made with your friends. Even if it’s slaying the Ender Dragon, charging against Pillager Outposts, or simply hanging out by the seaside, taking a screenshot can allow you and your peers to relive the fun times you’ve all had in-game.
How to Take a Screenshot in Minecraft?
Learning how to capture screenshots in Minecraft is pretty straightforward. But if you’re still lost on how to take a screenshot in your respective version of Minecraft, we’ve got a step-by-step guide below:
Step #1: Frame your shot
Before taking a screenshot, you have to frame out in your screen what you’ll take a screenshot of.
It helps to ask yourself what you want to take a picture of and why you’re taking a picture of it. You may want to zoom in or zoom out depending on the size of the thing you’re screenshotting.
Step #2: Adjust your game information settings
Next is to adjust your game information settings. If your screenshot needs specific details like coordinates or other information, make sure these are enabled. You can press the F3 key to enable the debug screen for this if you need such information.
However, if you want to clear all unnecessary information, you can change perspective by pressing F1.
Step #3: Navigate the screenshot key or button
Once you’ve adjusted the necessary game information settings, you can then prepare the screenshot key you’ll press. Do know that each device or platform has a different screenshot key.
Step #4: Take your screenshots
In line with screenshot keys, you can then take your screenshot. You’ll know if you’ve taken the screenshot by checking the chat by pressing T. It shows a message if your screenshot is saved.
For PC or Java Edition, press F2 to take a screenshot.
Then for Windows 10 Edition, you can open the Windows Game Bar by holding the Windows + G buttons together. You’ll then select the camera icon to take the screenshot. Alternatively, you can hold the Windows + Alt + Prtscrn buttons together.
If you’re using a Mac device, press the Shift + Cmd + Number 4 keys together.
Be sure that you take multiple screenshots so that you have a lot of options of photos to choose from.
Step #5: Find your screenshots
Now that you’ve taken your screenshots, you can look for them on your respective device.
Where is the Minecraft Screenshots folder?
Finding your Minecraft screenshots folder may seem difficult since it seems like your saved photos don’t go anywhere. However, the folder is hidden within Minecraft’s game directory files. Here’s a quick guide to find the screenshot folder in both Windows and Mac platforms.
Windows PC (Java Edition)
On Windows, you must first go to your game’s options and click “Save and Quit to Title.”
After going back to the main menu, you must exit the game. This will save your screenshot onto your computer.
Then, you have to look for the %appdata” folder since this will lead you to the screenshot folder. Type “%appdata%” with the search bar on your Windows Start Menu.
Alternatively, you can type “Run” and open the Run Application to search for the %appdata%
Upon opening the %appdata% folder, navigate to the “.minecraft” folder. This contains all the files of your version of Minecraft.
Afterwards, you can look for the “screenshots” folder inside. This is the default screenshot save folder already part of the game directory and installation.
When you open the Minecraft screenshot folder, you’ll find all your screenshots in that folder.
To shorten things, the directory starts from the “AppData/Roaming” folder then navigated through “%appdata%\.minecraft\screenshots.”
Windows (Bedrock Edition)
If you’re using the Windows 10 version of Bedrock Edition, after pressing the Windows + G button and finding the Game Capturing option to take a screenshot, a notification will appear which will direct you to where the screenshot folder is.
Usually, the folder is named “C:\Users\<username>\Videos\Captures”
Other than Windows devices, you may also be playing Minecraft on your Mac device. Screenshots are hidden in a folder which can be found through the Finder.
Simply type this in your Finder, “~/Library/Application” then “Support/minecraft/screenshots” to navigate the folder.
Your screenshots may also be found on your Desktop directly. These are named with the date and time you took the screenshot and these are saved in PNG.
Tips for Taking Good Minecraft Screenshots
Taking screenshots in Minecraft doesn’t begin with simply framing your photo and then taking the screenshot. Lighting, perspective, graphics quality, and other elements come into play to make a good Minecraft screenshot.
You can change up how you take screenshots by doing a couple of things.
Use Enhancing Settings
Changing up the settings for your in-game graphics can greatly change what your screenshot will look like. It can increase render distances, remove unnecessary interfaces, and more. Adding shaders as an enhancement can also make your images more life-like.
It’s up to you which settings will work for your screenshot vision. Just make sure you consider the abilities of your device since some shaders or high settings might be too powerful for your computer or laptop.
Practice Composition
Before actually taking your photos, take some time to apply some photography principles like symmetry and the rule of thirds to frame your shots. You can also play around with the perspectives you’re taking screenshots from. Plus, think also of the time you’re taking a photo since the in-game lighting can affect your image’s mood.
Take Multiple Screenshots
As mentioned earlier, it’s best to take several screenshots. This is so you can have multiple options of photos. Your first and only shot may not even be your best photo. In the process of taking multiple screenshots, you may even find better angles with your framing.
Be patient with yourself in taking Minecraft screenshots and have fun with the process. Each screenshot you make holds a memory or achievement you’ve made in-game and you should capture that with sincerity with a good screenshot.
Looking to create your own gaming server? It only takes a few minutes.
Renee is a freelance writer with a passion for gaming and pop culture content. While she mainly writes about games, she also does graphic design and illustration work from time to time. With a passion for the creative arts, she blends her skills to tell stories across various mediums.
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