In Minecraft, you as the player have endless creativity. From building, exploring, and experimenting within your world, there are several features the game offers. Take it a step further, you can even execute coding commands in-game, automating tasks and changing up your Minecraft server into a more dynamic one.
Command blocks do exactly just that. Executing commands, these blocks are why custom adventure maps, complex Redstone machinery, and various minigames are seen across the Minecraft community.
While Command Blocks seem like the key to many cool things you can unlock and do in Minecraft, getting and using one isn’t that simple. You’ll have to be careful with Command Blocks especially if you plan to use them in your server. In line with that, we’ve got this guide that covers everything you need to know about Command Blocks in Minecraft.
What is a Minecraft Command Block?
In simplest terms, a command block in Minecraft is a block that you can program to run any set of commands you give it. This block can’t be found or used in Minecraft Survival Mode if cheats or commands aren’t enabled. You’ll have to activate them to summon this block type. Moreover, you can access this block in your Creative Mode inventory.
In terms of how a Minecraft Command Block works, it’s powered by Redstone and the type of command it holds. Command Blocks can perform different types of tasks such as teleporting you to a different location, summoning mobs, and even changing some in-game features in Minecraft.
There are three types of command blocks you can encounter in Minecraft which all have different command executions depending on how they’re programmed. This versatility among the command blocks allows you to build and program different mechanisms according to your needs in-game.
What are the Different Types of Command Blocks?
Before getting a Command Block and learning how to use it, you should first know the different types of Command Blocks and the purpose of each one. This will give you a better understanding of which Command Blocks you’ll use for any contraption you plan to create within Minecraft.
Impulse Command Blocks
First are the Impulse Command Blocks. These are only run once each time they are activated. Usually, the Impulse Command Blocks are also known as the default Command Blocks in Minecraft which are colored in orange.
Ideally, Impulse Command Blocks are used for simple tasks like teleporting players, giving items, or summoning entities without any other complexities.
Upon running the command from this block type, the block won’t run the command again until the Redstone signal is reapplied. It’s a great block for single-use mechanisms you plan to make.
Chain Command Blocks
Executed in a sequence, Chain Command Blocks are noted by their green color. They can run a series of commands that activate only in a particular order.
For Chain Command Blocks to work, these need to be connected to another command block in a direct sequence. When the prior block in a chain successfully executes its command, the Chain Command Block will then run its command, hence the “chain” name.
Another thing you should know about Chain Command Blocks is that you can set these to “Conditional Mode” or “Unconditional Mode.” The former means the block activates on the success of the prior block. While the latter means that the chain block will run despite the previous command being successfully executed.
Do know that a Chain Command Block must be placed in a specific way. The arrows of the block should point towards the next block in the chain to ensure that the commands flow in proper order. These are heavily used for multi-step events like automating game mechanics, making complex interactions, and even scripting cinematic sequences in Minecraft.
Repeat Command Blocks
The third type you should know is the Repeating Command Blocks. Signified by their purple color, this block type is used to execute commands that require repeated actions.
Additionally, the Repeating Command Block runs its set command for every game tick in Minecraft. This makes the command block perfect for tasks or systems that need to happen frequently such as giving status effects or updating real-time information such as scoreboards.
You can use a Repeat Command Block in combination with the Impulse and Chain Command Blocks to create dynamic command executions in Minecraft. The multiple command blocks running can allow you to perform several actions at a time to check several features you have in your server such as mechanics, item pick-ups, and maintenance of your world’s environment.
How do you get a Command Block?
Getting command blocks in Minecraft shouldn’t be that difficult. You can learn how to get a command block across various versions of the game. There are just some slight differences between the different platforms to get a command block.
Turning on cheats in Minecraft
Do keep in mind, however, that you must have cheats or commands enabled first to get a command block. Starting a new world without this won’t give you access to a Command Block.
Singleplayer Mode
To enable cheats in Minecraft, you’ll have to create a New World for Singleplayer.
You’ll find an “Allow Cheats: Off” button upon creation of your new world. Click that button to change it to “Allow Cheats: On.”
This will then allow you to create your new world with cheats enabled.
Multiplayer Mode
If you want to use Command Blocks in your Minecraft multiplayer servers, you can also enable command blocks. But the process is slightly different here.
As the owner of your Multiplayer world, you have the Operator status. This allows you to run game commands in comparison to the rest of the players on your server.
However, you can give fellow players the same ability. Simply type “/op [player Name]” in the chat box of your multiplayer server. This will give them the same status you have.
You can also remove the Operator status of the player by simply typing “/deop [player Name].”
Now that you know how to enable cheats in single-player and multiplayer Minecraft, we can get to learning how to obtain a command block in-game.
Getting a Command Block in Java Edition, Bedrock Edition, and Pocket Edition
In Java Edition and Windows Bedrock Edition, open the chat window in-game by pressing “T.” For the console Bedrock Edition, you can press the “Right” button on the D-Pad, and the chat icon for mobile and Pocket Edition.
Then type the command “/give [targets] command_block [count].”
You’ll see on the screen the suggested targets and items to give yourself upon typing. You can indicate how many Command Blocks you’ll need with the “count” property.
Press “Enter” on your keyboard or any equivalent button on your device to run the command. This should summon and put your Command Block in your inventory.
How do you use a Command Block?
As you have learned how to get a command block, you can then get to using it.
Step #1: Switch to Creative Mode
You must be in Creative Mode game mode to be able to place your Command Block on the ground. Simply switch to Creative Mode by typing “/gamemode creative [player Name]”
Step #2: Place your Command Block
Next, simply place your Command Block on the ground, depending on where you want it located.
Step #3: Open the Command Block interface
You can then open the Command Block interface by right-clicking on it.
Step #4: Set up your command and block settings
Within the Command Block’s interface, you’ll find spaces to place your commands.
You can also change the block type, its conditional mode, and if your Command Block needs Redstone power.
Step #5: Power your Command Block
After placing your command and putting the block settings, you can then power your Command Block with any Redstone power sources.
These include Pressure Plates, Levers, Buttons, Circuits, and more. It depends on your needs on which power source you need.
Step #6: Test your Command Block
Finally, you can then test your Command Block.
Simply interact with the Redstone power device you’ve attached to your block. You’ll find a chat indicator that the command has been executed. With that, you know how to use a Command Block.
What are some precautions you should take when using Command Blocks?
While using Command Blocks can open up several opportunities and features for you to change up your Minecraft gameplay, it can also pose several risks and challenges. Here are some usual precautions you should take, especially if you’re starting with Command Blocks.
Mainly, be careful with game-altering commands. Have a better understanding of how particular commands work and affect the game. Commands like “/gamerule,” “/fill,” or “/kill” can majorly change how your world and its entities behave.
In line with that, double-check your command syntax. If you incorrectly write your commands, they can either not work or execute unintended commands. It helps to have a backup of your world or test your commands in a different world to ensure nothing much changes.
Furthermore, keep your Redstone power sources isolated. Testing your Command Blocks in isolated areas where there aren’t any other Redstone signals can keep your tests controlled. It also helps you prevent any unnecessary block activation.
Overall, you should have a good understanding of Command Blocks before making any complex mechanisms with them. Start with the basics and test out your commands carefully. This will help you prevent any risks of altering your Minecraft world.
Looking to create your own gaming server? It only takes a few minutes.
Renee is a freelance writer with a passion for gaming and pop culture content. While she mainly writes about games, she also does graphic design and illustration work from time to time. With a passion for the creative arts, she blends her skills to tell stories across various mediums.
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