Palworld is full of various crafting materials — each with varying degrees of usefulness. The importance of these materials varies based on your level and intentions, but one of the more important early game materials is Bones.
You need Bones for all sorts of basic things in Palworld, especially when starting out. Fortunately, we’ve got you covered. This guide will cover everything you need to know about Bones, including which Pals drop Bones, where to find the Wandering Merchant to buy Bones, and why you’d want Bones in the first place.
What Are Bones In Palworld
Similar to the real world, Bones in Palworld are calcium-rich organs that make up the game’s various Pals.
You can acquire the material through the Pals that drop Bones, but you can also buy Bones and farm Bones, which we’ll discuss later in the article.
How To Use Bones In Palworld
Before we get into how to get Bones in Palworld, let’s discuss why you’d want them in the first place.
You can craft Medicine and a few items with Bones.
Here are the Medicines you can craft with Bones in Palworld. Note that you can craft most of these Medicines with the Medieval Medicine Workbench. That said, the Memory Wiping Medicine and the Mind Control Meds require the Electric Medicine Workbench.
Memory Wiping Medicine
The Memory Wiping Medicine is a powerful item. With it, you can reset a Pal’s skill points and change its abilities/build. This is a great way to try out different attacks and create the team of your dreams.
Create this Medicine with 99 Beautiful Flowers, 50 Horns, 50 Bones, and 50 vials of Pal Fluids.
Mind Control Meds
Mind Control Meds are a bit manipulative — allowing you to push a Pal’s Sanity back to 100%. Not only this, but it will heal any of their negative status effects. It’s a surprisingly cheap item for how powerful it is, requiring only 10 Refined Ingots, 10 Horns, five Bones, and three vials of Pal Fluids.
Medical Supplies
Use Medical Supplies to treat the Ulcer and Fracture status effects. You only need one Bone, alongside three Ingots and three Horns, to craft it.
High Grade Medical Supplies
Contrary to its lower-grade counterpart, the High Grade Medical Supplies treat the Weakened and Depressed status effects. Craft this Medicine with two Bones, five Horns, and five Ingots.
Suspicious Juice
Suspicious Juice is a Medicine that speeds up your Pal’s work efficiency. It will do this for a short period of time before they crash and experience lower Sanity. Create Suspicious Juice with three Beautiful Flowers, three Horns, one Bone, and one vial of Pal Fluids.
Strange Juice
Use Strange Juice to improve your Pal’s mood, which increases their work speed as a result. However, be ready for the long-term consequences as the faster speeds will significantly lower their Sanity. Craft this with two Bones, five Beautiful Flowers, five Horns, and two Pal Fluids.
Otherwise, Bones are needed for some useful mid-game materials.
You can unlock the Cement crafting recipe at Technology Tree level 19. This is a necessary material used for items like the High Quality Hot Spring, the Production Assembly Line, the Hyper Sphere, the Ultra Sphere, and much more.
Craft Cement with 50 Stone, one vial of Pal Fluids, and one Bone.
Mega Glider
The Mega Glider is the first upgrade from the Parachute. You unlock this recipe at level 18 in the Technology Tree.
This Glider costs 50 Wood, 20 Clotch, and 10 Bones to craft.
How To Get Bones In Palworld
Now, this guide details all of the best ways to get Bones in Palworld. Let’s get into it.
Buy Bones
One of the best ways to get Bones in Palworld is to buy them. Bones cost 100 Gold per purchase, and you can buy them through Wandering Merchants.
If you look on your Map, the earliest spot to find a Wandering Merchant is the Small Settlement at coordinates 73, -485.
Pals That Drop Bones
Here is a list of the best Pals to chase if you’re looking for Bones.
- Anubis
- Bushi
- Cawgnito
- Dazemu
- Dogen
- Goriat
- Goriat Terra
- Kikit
- Loupmoon
- Maraith
- Rushoar
- Sootseer
- Vanwyrm
- Vanwyrm Cryst
- Verdash
- Vixy
These Pals may also drop Bones if you catch them with a Pal Sphere.
Strategies To Farm Bones
There are two ways to farm Bones in Palworld. You can literally farm them with the Farm mechanic, or you can farm in the traditional gaming sense by grinding tons of Bone dropping Pals.
Farm Bones With A Ranch
Depending on which Pal you employ at a Ranch, they’ll farm different materials. For example, a Melpaca will farm Wool, while a Flambelle will farm Flame Organs.
Since we’re focused on how to get Bones in Palworld, you’re going to want a Sootseer.
Introduced in the Sakurajima Update, Sootseer is a purple, Ghost-like Pal. You can find them at night near the Secluded Cemetery at -669, 266.
These Pals aren’t too common, so make sure to keep an eye out.
Once acquired, it’s time to build a Ranch.
You can unlock the Ranch at level five in the Technology Tree. Craft it with 50 Wood, 20 Stone, and 30 Fiber.
Once built, employ the Sootseer and it will slowly farm Palworld Bones over time. Go off and explore, then return and collect the Bones it has farmed.
Otherwise, one of the earliest places in the game you can farm Bones is near the Sea Breeze Archipelago.
This waypoint is just West of the starting area. Near it, at approximately -116, -492, is a Bushi spawn point. You can farm Bones by defeating or catching these creatures.
Now that you’re aware of everything there is to know about Bones in Palworld, why not explore the game with your friends? There’s a whole new update, after all.
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Max is a freelance writer with a love for gaming and technology. He’s always looking for the next big game to play and tinkers with tech in his remaining free time.
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