The Enderman is one of Minecraft’s scarier mobs — an ominous, looming figure that roams the world at night. An Enderman’s mysterious nature begs a further analysis, as do the items it drops.
In fact, an Enderman’s item drops are a crucial part of beating Minecraft. As a result, you may want to farm the Enderman to gather dozens of its drops in quick succession. If that’s your goal, this guide has you covered.
Here, we’ll go over how an Enderman works, what it drops, and how you can set up an Enderman Farm to enhance your Minecraft experience.
What Is An Enderman?
An Enderman is a dark, slim figure that roams your Minecraft world, picking up and moving blocks at random. Endermen spawn at night but can withstand the sunlight, making them more akin to Creepers than any other mob.
While Endermen are naturally passive, staring at one activates its battle mode. If you look at an Enderman, the creature will relentlessly pursue you until you fend it off or hide in water. That’s right — water, not sunlight, defeats this terrible creature.

You may not want to stare at Minecraft’s scariest common mob, but you do need to defeat them to gather some valuable items. Engaging them is pretty much essential.
What Do Endermen Drop?
Endermen drop whatever block they are holding and five experience orbs, no matter what. But their more interesting item is the Ender Pearl.

Ender Pearls are used to find Strongholds. A Stronghold is an exceedingly rare underground structure that houses the End Portal, a portal that leads to the End Island. It’s there you can fight the Ender Dragon and beat the game.
Ender Pearls can also be turned into an Eye of Ender, which you need to activate the End Portal after discovering it. All in all, these are versatile items you’ll need a lot of if you want to beat Minecraft.

This is why you’ll want to set up an Enderman Farm.
What Is A Minecraft Farm?
While a normal Minecraft Farm produces crops of all sorts, this guide specifically talks about a Mob Farm.
A Mob Farm spawns enemies in a closed-off area, damages them, and then allows you to defeat them in one hit to gather their items and experience. It’s a great way to farm XP and other items.
You can build all sorts of Mob Farms, but this guide will focus on an Enderman Farm, specifically.
How Do I Make An Enderman Farm?
For this Enderman Farm, we’ll be following a guide by DashPum4.
Start by entering The End.

Once there, you must build a set of Leaf Blocks to level zero.

From there, build Leaf Blocks 128 blocks away from the pillar of Leaves and the main island.

Out here, build an infinite water source from which you can keep pulling.

Use Buckets of Water to fill 30 Grass Blocks with water.

Next, build a U-shaped structure with leaves like the following image. It should be two layers high and equal to the height of your infinite water source platform.

From here, place a Barrel and a Hopper going into that Barrel. Afterward, place two leaves outside of it as well as an extra block.

Now, extend that extra block to a 30-block bridge using temporary blocks and place a Leaf Block at the end of it.

Destroy the bridge you made with temporary blocks and extend the new bridge to five Leaf Blocks.

Continue the bridge with 18 Wooden Slabs, then surround them with five Leaves on every side.

Now, face the edge of your Wooden Slabs while staring at the original leaf bridge. Then, step a block to the left and walk to the edge.

Build a staircase that’s four blocks high out of Leaf Blocks.

On top of the staircase, face the original area and place a Leaf one block to your right. Afterward, build a bridge all the way back to the first platform.

Now, build the walls on either side of the collection platform up three blocks high.

Fill in the roof, but leave a hole in this spot:

Next, build two blocks on every side of the hole and extend the barriers by one block each, as seen in the image below:

From here, waterlog the Leaf Blocks surrounding the hole, the entire leaf bridge, and the stairs leading up to it. This will prevent Enderman from teleporting on the blocks.

Remove all of your temporary blocks, and place two Trap Doors over the Barrel.

At last, open the top Trap Door, place an Armor Stand on the bottom Trap Door, and close the top one again.

To use the Enderman Farm, place yourself next to the Armor Stand and stare at the Endermen. They’ll run over to you and attack.

You can use your Sword to take them down and collect XP as they attack.

Ender Pearls will also filter into your Barrel, so be sure to check it occasionally.
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Max is a freelance writer with a love for gaming and technology. He’s always looking for the next big game to play and tinkers with tech in his remaining free time.
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