Nether Wart was added to Minecraft roughly two years after the game’s release. However, it remains a major part of the brewing system. As its name implies, Nether Wart only spawns naturally within the Nether Fortress and Bastions inside the Nether realm. So… get your Water Bottles and Brewing Stand ready, because I’m going to show you how and where to find these critical components you will need for creating your own potions.
Items You Need For The Nether
In order to get to the Nether realm, you will first need to construct a Nether Portal. That will require a short list of special items and materials which I have outlined in the following chart:
Nether Portal | Required Items |
x10 Obsidian BlockCreated by Lava & Water colliding.Requires a Diamond Pickaxe to mine. x1 Flint and Steel (To ignite the portal)x1 Iron Ingotx1 Flint x1Diamond Pickaxe (Collect Obsidian)x3 Diamondx2 Sticks | |
Diamond Pickaxe Recipe | Flint and Steel Recipe |
To get to the Nether, we must have 10 Obsidian Blocks, (14 if you include the portal cornerstones), a Flint and Steel, and a Diamond Pickaxe (to work with Obsidian Blocks). Obsidian Blocks can only be mined using a Diamond Pickaxe. Obsidian Blocks are created in the world when a Water Source and a Lava Source collide with each other. You can force this to happen by either:
- Dump Water Buckets onto a Lava pool.
- Dump Lava Buckets onto a Water pool.
Once you have created the Obsidian Blocks, you will need a diamond tier pickaxe to work with it.
How To Make The Nether Portal
To make your Nether Portal you must place 2 blocks on the bottom, 3 blocks on each side, and another 2 blocks on the top. The corners do not have to be Obsidian Blocks for the portal to work and the portal can be bigger if you wish. To ignite the portal you must take your Flint and Steel and light the inside surface of one of the Obsidian Blocks that make up the portal framework. If you would like a more in depth guide to crafting the Nether Portal, try our sister article: How To Make A Nether Portal In Minecraft.
How To Find A Nether Fortress
Once you’ve entered the Nether, your goal is to locate a Nether Fortress. These structures are more likely to spawn on the positive side of the X-axis, so traveling north or south while maintaining a positive X-coordinate will increase your chances of finding one. Fortresses can be generated in any Nether biome, so keep your eyes peeled for the distinctive dark brick structures as you explore.
What To Look For: Soul Sand Gardens
Now that you’ve found your Nether fortress, you must look for a Soul Sand Garden. Soul Sand Gardens can have up to 16 Nether Wart Blocks growing. Keep in mind that the Nether Fortress is not guaranteed to have a Soul Sand Garden. There is also a chance to get some Nether Wart in the chests of the fortress. If you’re lucky enough to find a Soul Sand Garden, it’s a great place to farm Nether Wart for brewing potions.
Bastion Remnant
Bastion remnants spawn randomly in your world and can be identified by their tall blackstone structures. Bastions can spawn in any biome besides basalt biomes. You can find Nether Wart crops growing in the central courtyard of these structures.
Bastion Remnants | Bastion Remnants Courtyard |
How To Plant And Grow Nether Wart
Planting Nether Wart is a bit of a different process than normal plants in Minecraft. Most plants in Minecraft are planted on dirt. But in Nether Wart’s case, you must plant it on Soul Sand. Nether Wart’s growth rate can be pretty slow due to the default random tick speed being 3. The tick speed can be increased using commands, which will increase the growth rate of Nether Wart as well as every other crop in the game. Building your farm in chunks that will be loaded very often will speed up the process, as well having a tool enchanted with fortune. Similar to how it works with ores, the fortune enchantment works on plants such as carrots, potatoes and wheat.
Nether Wart has 3 stages of growth, none sharing the same texture. Stage 1 is when the Nether Wart is at its smallest. Stage 2 is the middle stage of growth. Stage 3 is when it’s fully grown Nether Wart. When the Nether Wart is at the aforementioned texture, it is ready to be collected. If you try to collect your Nether Wart during the less mature stages of stage 1 and 2, you will only get a single Nether Wart back. When collecting Nether Wart, it will be mined instantly regardless of what tool you use to collect it.
If you would like to turn your farms into automatic ones we have a few examples for you and information about automatic farms, please refer to this article Minecraft Automatic Farms: Everything You Need To Know.
What Are Chunks & How Do They Work
A Minecraft chunk is the 16 by 16 radius that the game uses to load certain things. Chunks go from the very bottom of the world to the very top. Chunks are loaded based on your render distance. The more render distance you have, the more chunks will be loaded at once. On multiplayer servers, the owner can set the maximum render distance to a set number. On the Java edition of Minecraft, players can hit the keys F3 + B at the same time to see chunks. Unfortunately, the F3 button doesn’t do anything on the Bedrock edition.
What Do I Do With Nether Wart
You need Nether Wart in brewing stands. When you put 1-3 water bottles in a brewing stand with a Nether Wart you get an Awkward Potion. The special potions are used to brew every other kind of potion in the game. You can also get yourself a Nether Wart Block by putting nine Nether Wart in a crafting table. Crimson forests spawn in the Nether and it spawns randomly.
Brewing Stand | Nether Wart Block Recipe |
The Brewing System
Brewing is extremely useful in vanilla Minecraft, but the only way to access potions is by having Nether Warts. Potions are brewed by crafting a brewing stand which can be made with 3 cobblestone and 1 blaze rod. You need extra blaze powder to activate the brewing stand so make sure you stock up a bit. Once you have your brewing stand powered put anywhere from 1-3 water bottles in the bottom slot(s) along with one Nether Wart at the top, once you’ve brewed yourself an awkward potion you have access to every other potion in the game.
You can turn potions into splash or lingering potions. This can be done by making a potion and using gunpowder for a splash potion and dragon’s breath for a lingering potion. To get dragon’s breath you need to bring glass bottles into your fight with the ender dragon. When the dragon spews fire onto the ground, you need to right click with a glass bottle to collect it. This will give you dragon’s breath which can now be used for your lingering potions. If you would like to make the effect stronger you can use glowstone but if you’d like to make the potion last longer you can use redstone, this is a one or the other type deal.
Name | Icon | Effect | Corruption Effect |
Sugar | Speed | Slowness | |
Rabbit’s Foot | Jump Boost | Slowness | |
Glistering Melon Slice | Instant Health | Instant Damage | |
Spider Eye | Poison | Instant Damage | |
Pufferfish | Water Breathing | None | |
Magma Cream | Fire Resistance | None | |
Golden Carrot | Night Vision | Invisibility | |
Blaze Powder | Strength | Weakness | |
Ghast Tear | Regeneration | None | |
Turtle Shell | Slowness, Resistance | None |
From the fiery depths of the Nether to the bubbling concoctions of your brewing stand, Nether Wart has proven to be an indispensable resource in the world of Minecraft. While their acquisition might require a bit of exploration and patience, the rewards are well worth the effort. By understanding the intricacies of the Nether, optimizing your Nether Wart farming, and mastering the art of brewing, you’ll be well on your way to creating powerful potions that will enhance your gameplay experience.
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Bella Potter is a writer with the love for gaming. She writes articles on the side and likes to play Slime Rancher and Borderlands.
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