If you’ve noticed, we have quite the new look around here :).
For the last year, I’ve had many thoughts about different directions I wanted to take our blog.
Those that have been following it since our launch nearly two years ago, understand the content we produce, and how we focus on useful, actionable information.
Its been inspiring watching our YouTube channel grow to over 1,149 subscribers and 251,142 views!
A lot of this is credited to my video on how to make money with AliExpress that makes up just over 200,000 of those views alone (wow).
Our blog has also cut back on support tickets by nearly 60% over the last six months. I credit this to our detailed guides that also come with videos.
With the transition to Startup Hero, it’s my goal to continue providing the same information, but in a more organized manner.
From my experience working online, I realize web hosting is just one piece of the puzzle.
While money should never be your first motive, it is an essential tool to sustaining and growing your business.
Since 2011, I’ve been primarily coaching and mentoring affiliate marketers, especially with the explosion of mobile.
With Startup Hero, it’s my goal to expand out of this niche and cover even more opportunities that are available online.
Having built multiple Startups into Multi-Million Dollar Organizations, I can relate to many Entrepreneurs.
The journey isn’t always as easy as we’d like it to be.
Sometimes it’s lonely. Sometimes it’s discouraging.
But I think we can all agree, overall, it’s one of the most rewarding and fulfilling experiences in business being able to create something from scratch and watch it grow and sustain income!
The Startup Hero Community
The most powerful part about Startup Hero is our exclusive community of Entrepreneurs.
This community is where we will hold our primarily communication, conduct webinars, meet-ups, and more.
You can join today, 100% free on the Getting Started – Startup 101 page. All you have to do is enter your name, email, and then confirm by clicking on the link in the welcome email.
Further instructions will then be sent out (have patience, I’m still finalizing them).
Startup Hero Resources
I’ve also dedicated an entire page on Startup Hero to serve as a “content map.” I call it the big page of links…
Rather you’re looking for web hosting tips, ways to troubleshoot WordPress, or general business advice, you can find them here.
This is a page you’ll want to bookmark and refer back too as I plan on keeping it updated as we progress with our content.
The Startup Hero Podcast
I’ve wanted to start a Podcast for many years and this seems to be the perfect opportunity. I’m going to be producing it weekly and you can subscribe on iTunes.
Basically, this is going to be an opportunity for me to share some challenges I’ve faced over the years and ways I’ve overcame them to continue moving my businesses forward.
I also have information on the page about upcoming webinars and speaking sessions!
Let’s Get Started
This is going to be an epic journey! Looking forward to meeting everyone!
Ryan Gray is the founder and CEO of NameHero, one of the fastest growing independent web hosts in the United States. Ryan has been working online since 1998 and has over two-decades experience in Internet Entrepreneurship.
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