With Google’s major Core Web Vitals ranking update almost upon us, it’s time to reflect on whatever we can do to improve our page’s performance. I’ve written extensively about the importance of the Time to First Byte (TTFB), and its role in reducing the related metric of Largest Contentful Paint (LCP). For example, getting your TTFB to below 0.5 seconds in the real world, is a pretty good achievement! With NameHero using the LiteSpeed web server, all customers get free access to the enterprise tier of LiteSpeed’s QUIC.cloud reverse proxy. Using it, I was able to reduce my TTFB times from 201 ms to 40 ms. That’s a 500% reduction!
Let’s see how well it works.
Response Times Before QUIC.cloud
My test website on NameHero is pretty lightweight, so it loads fast. However, even then, the original server response time is 201 ms:
Actually, 201 milliseconds isn’t bad for a page that hits an ordinary origin server. This website has LiteSpeed caching on it, so it’s not dynamically generated. If it was, it would have taken much longer! But nevertheless, every request has to go to the same location, regardless of where it was initiated. This particular NameHero server is located in the US. So if someone from Japan were to make the request, it would have to travel halfway around the world and come back with the response.
With QUIC.cloud, you can change all that.
Response Times After QUIC.cloud
You can set up QUIC.cloud easily in a few minutes. The longest part is waiting for the DNS changes to propagate. And when it’s all set up, here is the new response time:
As you can see, the response time has dropped from 201 ms to 40 ms! The reason for this staggering difference is that the page is now cached on LiteSpeed’s global CDN. This means that no matter where you access your site from, you’ll likely hit a QUIC.cloud CDN close to you.
This is More than Just a CDN
Ordinary CDNs cache only static assets. However, as you can see above, QUIC.cloud caches even dynamic content. In collaboration with the LiteSpeed plugin installed on your website, it intelligently purges updated pages and ensures that you can still visit your admin pages without viewing cached versions.
In my opinion, this is the biggest development to hit web hosting since forever. And companies like NameHero that use LiteSpeed are uniquely poised to exploit this leap in technology.
Similar to Cloudflare’s APO – But Free!
A few months back, Cloudflare released a similar product for integration with WordPress – they call in APO – Automatic Platform Optimization. The service caches your dynamic WordPress pages on their CDN and serves it in the same way that QUIC.cloud does.
However, the catch is that Cloudflare’s APO costs $5/m. It’s free for paid Cloudflare users, so that’s good. But if you just want the optimization, they QUIC.cloud beats Cloudflare’s integration hands down.
NameHero Customers Get Access to the Enterprise Tier
The free tier of QUIC.cloud allows you only 1 GB of transfer per month. But because of NameHero’s tie up with LiteSpeed, all customers get access to the LiteSpeed Enterprise tier for free as shown here:
With 10 GB of data transfer for free, it’s a pretty healthy quota. And you can get 500 GB more for 4000 credits a month (< $5), so there’s plenty of room to expand.
All NameHero Customers Should Use QUIC.cloud
There’s no reason not to take advantage of NameHero’s generous QUIC.cloud quotas. For no cost, you can improve your TTFB rates by 500%. That’s going to go a long way towards keeping your Core Web Vitals under control!
I’m a NameHero team member, and an expert on WordPress and web hosting. I’ve been in this industry since 2008. I’ve also developed apps on Android and have written extensive tutorials on managing Linux servers. You can contact me on my website WP-Tweaks.com!
Milo says
With NameHero promoting QUIC.Cloud + CloudFlare CDN in the product listing, it would be great to see an article comparing each possible setup:
1 – Cloudflare CDN
2 – QUIC.Cloud
3 – QUIC.Cloud + Cloudflare
Otherwise, which would you recommend?
Bhagwad Park says
That’s a good idea to compare them! I would try using the Cloudflare DNS + QUIC.cloud CDN.
The reason is that the Cloudflare DNS is REALLY fast. I prefer it to all others.
Adam says
Hi, I would like to ask you if you have made any comparisons and post a link here. Thanks.